Between the above photo taken from Abu Ghraib and this article from the New York Times Sunday magazine, I can’t figure out why we don’t start more wars. They look and sound like a lot of fun.
Give me what is left of our ever decreasing liberty or give me death.
Between the above photo taken from Abu Ghraib and this article from the New York Times Sunday magazine, I can’t figure out why we don’t start more wars. They look and sound like a lot of fun.
Holy shit it is amazing to watch the spin mavens on the right fly into action in response to the dust up between St Mac and the New York Times. Perhaps I should have hired those a-holes to repair my image during my divorce proceedings. Hell, I would probably be receiving child support right now despite not having custody had I had the foresight to hire these guys. The Times publishes this watered down semi-repressed (allegedly) article detailing McCain’s ethical shortcomings including questionable lobbying practices and an affair and people are in a tizzy. Crap on cornbread, can you say ‘shocker’. You mean to tell me that a politician might seek and use his power unethically. Wow, just…wow. I have lost all faith in the democratic system. But, all that is beside the point, what amazes me most is the supposed outrage being proffered by the right for this smear. Nothing unites the right like a bashing by the Times. You get nothing but crickets during any sort of
Update: As usual, Mr. Swift says it best.
I certainly hope that everyone was as disgusted as I was by yesterday’s Roger Clemons/Steroids hearings on the Hill. The fact that these grandstanding bastards have the time, inclination, and stones to carry out such a worthless publicity grabbing, money wasting, bullshit having, hero worshipping, and ego massaging fiasco speaks volumes as to the depths we as a country have fallen. Disgusting! I think I saw John Adams’ ghost weeping bitterly in the back of the room on one of the feeds on CSPAN. My personal favorite hypocrite in the bunch was Rep. Dan Burton of
To: Townser
From: Department of Remorse
CC: Department of Regret
Date: February 14, 2008
Re: Your heart, health, and well-being
We would like to take this opportunity to insist that you please make current your account. It has been neglected for too long and as a matter of recourse, we have referred it to your local mixologists for their perusal. Please refrain from any further relationships with members of the opposite sex until you have been notified.
I’d be lying if I said I had not considered it. I’d be lying if I said I did not have a plan at one time. That being said, it has not been on my mind for several years and believe it or not I have my dead cousin to thank for that.
The reason for this post is because of an intense, semi-manic conversation I had last week with my friend Dave. As often happens with me, when I am able to connect with someone on a level beyond general friendliness, I allow myself to let go and engage in these crazy, free form rap sessions similar to those described by Tom Wolfe in The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. Dave and I share many common interests and life experiences, most notably a love for the mountains, divorce/fatherhood, remorse, and depression. As we both struggle to deal with our divorces and parenting situations, depression is a common theme. Not just for us, but for our exes as well (or at least we rationalize that…). Of course, the logical (ignoring the fact that there is no logic to depression) progression of depression is suicide.
Suicide is one of those semi-taboo subjects in
Despite the fact that I had witnessed the damage done and felt first hand the pain caused by a suicide, I was there. Fully understanding the consequences of my actions yet realizing they were secondary to the great pain I was feeling. It is truly a desperate feeling. Every person you encounter, every comment made, every newspaper story is received and skewed through this filter that you have in the forefront of your mind.
Thankfully, I cannot imagine the act today. I think of my children, my parents, my family and friends, and even of her. None of them deserve the guilt or pain. Granted, I am no joy, but would their lives be better or worse without my presence? I like to think worse, it’ll at least get me to tomorrow and then I will deal with the day after that.
As usual ,Patterson says it best…
My Daddy called me on a Friday morning, so sad to tell me just what you’d done
You tried so hard to make us all hate you but in the end you was the only one
Sick, tired, pissed and wired, you never thought about anyone else.
You tried in vain to find something to kill you
in the end you had to do it yourself.
Who’s to blame for the loveless marriage, who’s to blame for the broken band.
You ran from life and all of it’s pleasures, your own teeth marks on your own damned hand.
Thrown out before the date’s expired, you’d rather die than let anyone help,
You’d rather die than take a stab at living.
Nothing would kill you so you do it yourself.
Everyone has those times when the night’s so long
The dead-end life just drags you down
You lean back under the microphone
and turn your demons into walls of goddamned noise and sound.
And it’s a sorry thing to do to your sweet sister
It’s a sorry thing to do to your little boy
It’s a sorry thing to do to the folks who love you
Your Mama and Daddy lost their only boy
Some should say I should cut you slack, but you worked so hard at unhappiness.
Living too hard just couldn’t kill you
In the end you had to do it yourself.
Living too hard just couldn’t kill you
In the end you had to do it yourself.
Patterson Hood, Drive By Truckers, Do it Yourself
Goose bumps, I actually had goose bumps several times last night at my local caucus site. The first time was when I approached the school where the caucus was being held and saw huge lines even though the site had only been open for ten minutes. Then to my amazement I was told that the much longer of the two lines was for people who wanted to register as a Democrat or switch parties. Apparently, I am not the only one who is fed up.
What needs to be understood is that I live in one of the reddest of the red states in a very wealthy conservative area. I’m somewhat surprised the riot police were not present with water cannons. Although the freezing rain probably served the same purpose.
Once inside, there was a palpable excitement. Most people just stood around staring with an awkward smile on their faces. I can’t count how many times I heard the phrase, “I didn’t know there were this many liberals around here.” I was not the only one to remind people that sadly, this might be the only time our votes actually matter in this election cycle as a Dem win in
The site was so over packed that there was virtually none of the give and take between opposing supporters that I had hoped to encounter. Frankly, the mainly grey haired, female Hillary crowd did not have the numbers or, judging from the looks on their faces spirit or inclination to even attempt to sway the massive group of Obama supporters. The diverse social make up of the Obama group really stood out in marked contrast to the staid
Update: This kind of scares me, but I will not buy into that line of thinking.
I am ashamed to admit that one of my best friends is a one issue voter. His issue is taxes. It actually goes deeper than that; he is a full blown Randian Free Market Whack Job™. He is completely opposed to any type of government handouts, basically any altruistic activity. What I find so ironic is that he fails to see the conflict with his position and the fact that he recently began day trading his wife’s inheritance after a prolonged period of joblessness.
It seems that every day the feeling grows stronger. I have so little inclination to play the game. I am sick of being hurt. I am sick of being fake. Why should I act like something I am not just to sleep with someone? Personally, I do not understand the intense pressure to ‘hook up’ and why some people seem to use it as a way to judge themselves. It seems a bit hypocritical to lie your way into someone’s bed just to make yourself feel better. Of course I enjoy physical gratification as much as the next person, perhaps more, I am just way to leery of the pain so closely connected to all of my relationships with the opposite sex to push it much further. Maybe it’s just me though…