And the award goes to... MELISSA ARRINGTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I know 'retard' is a word that should not be used, but this woman earned it.
Give me what is left of our ever decreasing liberty or give me death.
Having an administrative day today and during the cleaning/organizational process, I found these words that I must have scrawled down some time ago:
And the concern
Long may you burn
As an introvert, one would think that loneliness would not be an issue, but I am really struggling with it as of late. I have this incredible nagging fear, almost paranoia that I am going to be alone for the rest of my life. And frankly, I do not want to be alone. I do not want to grow old (older…) without someone by my side. I feel like there is an incredible void in my life and unfortunately, no amount of alcohol can sate it…
I’m getting so sick of this shit. Today the main headline of the Kansas City Star (link is not working-just take my word for it) stated, “Fewer Hit with Iran Bomb”. Talk about inflammatory rhetoric. Oddly, the first sentence of the article stated that the controversial EFPs were only “thought to come from
I always expect the Sunday New York Times to have one or two heart wrenching articles per issue, but I did not expect to find this week’s bawler in the travel section. 36 hours in Breckenridge. Cool, I can’t wait to see some of our old haunts mentioned. Maybe they will talk about the Brown, or the Hearthstone, or the St. Bernard. The memories came flooding back; back to the days of unfiltered Fat Tire, skinny skis, and mountain bikes without shocks. Days spent idling, afternoons searching for free happy hour buffets, and drunken nights ending at the Shoebox. Crap, back to the days when I actually had hair. Unfortunately, of the 13 or 14 places mentioned, I knew only two of them. We are not talking about a small town being razed here, just apparently, the natural progression of things. I was always saddened by the turnover of people in my beloved resort town due to its seasonality, but the turnover of businesses and places is maddening. I remember scaring my ex-father in law during a conversation when I spoke venomously about the development in town and the lack of control with which it was happening. I remember going in the direction of ‘Monkey Wrench Gang’ in the conversation and him looking at me like I was insane.
That is the natural progression of things. That is the phrase she used the other day to help defend her position on the whole ‘you are not my friend, you are nothing’ dust up. Her reasoning is that we have moved on, we do not need to share things with each other anymore; we are not each others release. On face value, her argument is valid. We should make other friends and have other relationships, I wholly agree with that statement. It would be irresponsible to oneself to not try to move on. However, she blew a big hole in her own argument when she said ‘our relationship now is based on the children and doing what is best for them.’ So, doing what is best for the children consists of hiding behind a murky statement and letting your ex suffer mightily for several weeks. Fine. Doing what is best for the children also seems to consist of one word answers to questions about their well-being and one word answers about what is going on in their lives. Doing what is best for the children is being evasive about your whereabouts (can you say crack house?). Doing what is best for the children is shielding them from their father? In my mind, doing what is best for the child does not involve divorce. That being said, doing what is best for the children is having an adult relationship between ex spouses. Doing what is best for the children is providing an example to them on how to behave in bad circumstances. Her parents do it, her siblings do it, my parents do it, and my sister does it. Why can’t the two of us? I’m sure that her parents and siblings would love to shout me down and I’m sure my family feels the same way, but none of them do. They act like adults and continue to communicate as such.
How do you feel about her fiancé?
Do you feel the relationship can last?
Can you expand on that?
Will you?
Why won’t you?
You’re not my friend anymore. I only talk like that with others.
Whatever, where do I send the check?
Well, I got an explanation. It wasn’t the one I wanted, but it worked. And, as I stated before, I accept her decision, but do not agree with it. There is a bigger picture issue however and that is her behavior. She understood from five minutes after the incident happened exactly how hurt I was and she could have made it right. Instead she chose to let it fester. To let me continue to agonize over the comments she made. I took the high road until today. I let her have it. I told her how juvenile her behavior was and how disappointed I was in her that she would choose to act in that manner. How a normal person can ignore plea after plea from someone that she has three children with and has had a relationship with for over 18 years is beyond me. She knew how much I hurt and she just left me twisting. Rightfully, I will never view her in the same light…
Just a thought, but how far have we truly progressed from the days of the hunter/gatherers? Of course, technologically there is no argument against the progress we have made, but what about actual satisfaction taken from life? Personally, I think I would rather have an average life span of 37 years and be able to take a large level of satisfaction from providing for my family by slaying a moose by hand versus staring at a computer screen all day or trying to sell someone insurance. Life was certainly much more difficult in those days, but in terms of job satisfaction, I’ll take the hunting and gathering over driving my SUV to Piggly Wiggly to buy a frozen pizza. That’s just me though.
It’s been 11 days since she declared me persona non grata. You know, the whole ‘you’re not my friend’ incident and she is sticking to her guns. Any attempt by me at simple conversation, friendly conversation is met with steely silence or brusque words. Worse yet, she has made no attempt to contact me other then when I leave a message to please return my call or text. No big deal except that she controls my line of communication with the kids. I have continued to search for reasons for her behavior, playing through our recent conversations and my recent actions. Nothing jumps to the forefront of my mind. I continue to try to work beyond this, but am struggling mightily.
1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires
3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
4. Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the Eightfold Path
Right Thought
Right Speech
Right Action
Right Livelihood
Right Effort
Right Mindfulness
Right Contemplation
Hillary wins the
The one thing that I have determined as I struggle with the decision about whether or not to move back to
Divorced from reality. Normally I would use that phrase to describe myself, but something occurred recently in my life that helped me to change that perspective. She did something horrible to me. Intentionally cruel it would seem.
I have plans.
Where? With who?
None of your business.
C’mon, I’m your friend. Tell me. I don’t care if you’re having a relationship.
It’s none of your business.
I’m your friend, what’s the big deal?
You’re not my friend. You’re not my confidante or whatever. You’re NOTHING.
Utter speechlessness
Yet, again I need to thank her. I am certain that her comment was not meant to have any positive affect on me, but it did. Thank you for helping to stop me from blaming myself. Through your actions you have allowed me to see the person that I never allowed myself to see. That person is me. A genuine, caring, compassionate, loving, human being, a human being who is in touch with his emotions and works to deal with them properly. Now I want her to join me because I miss her. I miss hearing her stupid laugh and I miss her meandering style of story telling. I miss her cooking. I miss her smell. I miss her hair clogging the shower drain. I miss her ratty-ass sweat pants and her curled form on the couch watching some mindless television program. I miss her character, her wit and her smile. Mainly though, I just miss her. Finally, I will send her this. I won’t just send a link to the blog, because she won’t visit. She won’t respond; she never does. Why would she when she can just stuff this somewhere deep inside her and let it fester until she explodes?