America is a mess. What would Jefferson do? Or for that matter, what would any of the founders of this country do? Those are the questions I keep asking myself, especially since we have been inundated with advertisements for the 7 part mini-series (maxi-series?) about the life of John Adams. As usual, Dan Froomkin sums it up nicely in his column today. As a bit of a history buff, I cannot help but think that these historical figures, so highly esteemed in this country, would be packing their belongings for that long journey to some new far away land in which they could escape the tyranny of our corporate monarchs and imperialistic oppressive leadership for a "do-over". Lookout Greenland, here we come.
I reckon they'd be pretty disappointed no matter what country they ended up in. The erosion of freedom is going on all over. How the hell did we fuck that up?
Not to be a wacky, tinfoil hat wearing, conspiracy theorist, but I have a friend who claims that it is all by design. That we are being manipulated by a group of global elite (I'm sure you could guess their names). I'm not sure if I can buy into that line of thinking, but his predictions have been pretty dead on as of late.
Gotta watch that tinfoil!
Did you ever reach the Preacher comics put out by Vertigo/DC about 10 years ago? All pointed at the Catholic church - that's where my tinfoil covered finger would be pointing.
Never have seen that comic. I'll go over to the local used book store and see if I can scare up some old issues. As for the church thing, I'm pretty leery of all religions. I wouldn't put any type of behavior past any of them.
They came out as trade paperbacks collecting seven odd issues at a time - they're the ones to go for.
My favourite line: Came the day TC fucked a chicken.
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